  • Cooperation of ExtreMat with the 
EU funded project HYTHEC
  • Cooperation of ExtreMat with the 
EU funded project HYTHEC
  • Cooperation of ExtreMat with the 
EU funded project HYTHEC
  • Cooperation of ExtreMat with the 
EU funded project HYTHEC
  • Cooperation of ExtreMat with the 
EU funded project HYTHEC
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Cooperation of ExtreMat with the 
EU funded project HYTHEC
Joint workshop on material requirements specification for hydrogen production

HYTHEC is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) funded by the European Community under FP6. The objective of HYTHEC - HYdrogen THErmochemical Cycles - is to investigate the effective potential for massive hydrogen production by thermo-chemical water splitting. Thermo-chemical cycles use aggressive media at high temperatures. A safe operation of future hydrogen production facilities on an industrial scale requires advanced materials that resist these extreme environments.

Such new materials for applications in extreme environments are currently developed in the ExtreMat project. Consequently, a co-operation was agreed with HYTHEC to evaluate the possible utilization of ExtreMat materials for Hydrogen production.

On 5th of December 2006 a joint workshop of ExtreMat and HYTHEC partners will take place at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique in Paris, dedicated to material requirements specification for hydrogen production and a discussion of possible new materials concepts.

More information about HYTHEC: More information about HYTHEC:
Logo ExtreMat is funded within the Sixth Framework
Programme of the European Community.
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